

A couple of days ago I was startled when my little laptop, which had been running Fedora 7, alerted me to a issue with no apparent boot devices. This generally means you are fucked, but in my case I found that if I stuck a random DVD-R disc into my optical drive, the machine recognized my hard drive and booted up Fedora just fine. You may say, "Well Ben, it's just swell that you got your machine to boot after all and didn't have to fuss with a utterly fucked machine!" Well my friends, once the OS did boot I found that now my optical drive was not mounting... In fact it wasn't even updating on the BIOS. Well that is when I hit rock bottom. How am I to rip DVDs? How am I to enjoy the media and information that others want to share via an optical disc? After contempalating suicide, I cam into work today and found that when I booted my machine and loaded Fedora, there was a little icon on my desktop. Suddenly, with out warning, my optical drive was back. And now I am performing a fresh install of Fedora hoping that this will never happen again.

Just goes to show. Computers are fuckers.


A Simple Beginning.

What do you think you are doing?

I have been using the internet for quite some time. I've seen a multitude of different websites... The rise of today's most popular sites... And the swarm of users that has ensued. Formatively, most of the traffic generated online has been attributed to social networking sites. In the past few years I have found myself jumping from one site to the next. Always trying to find the best way to communicate effectively online. Well today is a revolution in that sense. I have moved from the sense of networking... I am now a blogger. I am a big boy now, and my information demands a "big boy" delivery method. And that is what you are reading now.

And here we are...

A fresh slate demands a introduction, or at least some would assume. My name is Benjamin Campbell. I am twenty years old. I am employed with Audiovideoweb.com as a technical representative. I live a simple life in my hometown. But find myself aspiring to do bigger and greater things.

With a few words...

Because I spend at least forty hours a week in front of a computer, I do not doubt my continued posting here. I highly recommend returning.